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June 2021

Ed Caisse

June 10 2021

Virtual Networking Meeting hosted via Zoom

Holyoke Safe Neighborhood Initiative
Meeting Agenda

Date: June 10, 2021
Time: 1:00pm to 2:30pm
Place: Zoom Meeting

Mission Statement: The Holyoke Safe Neighborhood Initiative is a partnership between local, state & federal law enforcement; city & state government; civic & human service organizations; faith based organizations; the business community; education providers; property managers; and residents coming together with a goal to create safe, healthy & economically viable neighborhoods through information sharing, identifying at-risk youth, referrals and community efforts in specific Holyoke neighborhoods.

Welcome & Introduction 1:00pm - 1:05pm

McKenzie Umrysz: MSPCC 1:05pm - 1:20pm
Intake and outreach coordinator for the Healthy families program from MSPCC. Home visting program for first time parents under the age of 21. Pregnant or already parenting; mothers and fathers. They cover Holyoke, Chicopee and Westfield. It is offered in every town in Massachusetts. She can get those connected in appropriate office. Parents can re-enroll if child is under the age of 3. Healthy families can help with preparation for babies birth. Explore how parents can connect with child’s development. Carry out DV, MH, Safe Sleep, literacy, and developmental screens for parents and child at regular intervals. Overall assist in parents achieving their goals that they set for themselves and their family.

Incentive program for particpants called Baby Bucks. Each partipcant has a chance to earn baby bucks point to buy items. Each activity is assigned a set number of points. Particpants can save their points to purchase items listed in the catalog. One home visit can be 5 points and they can get incentive for their family or baby. They have catalog full of toys and bassonetts.

They are doing virtual groups and visits. They are doing in person based on participant comfort level. 6 week series groups: One was traveling around the world, cooking and talking about fun facts about each country. Had 30-35 particpants. End of year party have had upwards of 70-90 particpants. Make referral over the phone or online referral link. They do follow up with referral source to the let them know what happened with referral.

Fathers and Family Network is a series of 6 workshops that they hold that are 2 hrs long. Https://

(781) 482-4324

Thank you everyone! McKenzie Umrysz, Healthy Families program phone: 781-482-4324, email:

Agency Overview and Updates 1:20pm - 2:25pm

Adlyn Colon: HCC
Adult education program which offers HISET preparation classes and English as a second language. They are open throughout the summer. Referrals can be made directly by contacting or on HCC website. They are located next to the bus terminal on Maple street in downtown Holyoke. HCC Adult Education at PAFEC 206 Maple St. - Free HiSET Preparation classes and ESOL. 413-552-2927.

Yesenia Cruz: Adcare
Adcare provides inpatient and outpatient substance use services. They have two detox facilities in Worcester and Rhode Island, to which transportation is provided. Outpatient services such as individual, family, and group counseling are virtual at the moment. Feel free to reach out with any referrals.
Yesenia Cruz- Community Service Rep-Adcare Hospital

Aida Rivera: HPS Wellness Center
Work with homeless students with Jenifer. No updates.

Amy Jackson: CFCS Youth Advocacy Division
They are located in Springfield on State street. They receive clientel from juvenile courts throughout Western Massachusetts. Staff consists of attorneys, licensed social work advocates, and investigators to provide wrap around services for defense counsel ages 12-17 yearround. They assist clients with their criminal cases and offer support to clients and their families.

Cheryl Livengood:
Library opening to public on Monday, June 14th. There are currently no computers available along with public facilities. Public can come in and browse books and vidoes from 10am to 4pm. They are still providing curb side pickup.

Cindy Colangione: BGBS
Program director of BGBS. Working with Ed to match kids with mentors. Interested mentors can reach out to her.

Cythina Espinosa: City of Holyoke
City has some funding available through the office of community development under the American Rescue Recovery Act. Looking for applications in areas like affordable housing, public services, covid 19 health activity (prevention, vaccination, childcare, etc.), economic development and aid to industries impacted by covid 19. Applications are due June 21st via Google Form. Any questions can be directed to the city of Holyoke. Department of Public Health is looking for ideas relating to healthy eating policy, systems, or environmental change in Holyoke (i.e. planting more community gardens, passing ordinances relating to healthy eating).

Dane Kuttler: Community Action of Pioneer Valley
Looking for assistance in applying for the Emergency Broadband Benefit, which is a Federal benefit that will pay $50 of your internet bill.

Edgar Robles: HPS
District-wide attendance officer. Open Enrollment k-12. Can enroll online or make an appointement by phone 528-2000 ext. 1100. Online enrollment is faster and the website also offers summer school enrollment as well.

Erika Hensel: Tapestry Harm Reduction
Overdose engagement coordinator. Naloxboxes, or emergency boxes stocked with Narcan, are going up in the city of Holyoke. If your business needs one, feel free to reach out. They offer free narcan training. Starting June 20th at 6:30pm, free narcan training will be held monthly via zoom. Anyone from Holyoke can attend. She will send out the zoom link.
Erika Hensel, Overdose Engagement Coordinator for Tapestry Holyoke. Please reach out for Naloxbox (free Narcan) or Free Narcan Trainings. 413 316 4636

Erin Godfrey: Odyssey clubhouse
Clubhouse is located at 474 Appleton St. Resource for work recovery for people with mental health disabilities. Doors are open to new membership. They welcome referrals and offer tours upon request. People coming in to support each other in a collaborative effort and participate in clubhouse activities. They provide educational assistance and job development assistance within the community.

Jac Essing: House of Colors
En lace de Familia is hiring for position as receptionist at front desk for when they open their doors to the public in late July/early August. 25 hr a week position and looking for a multi lingual candidate. Refer LGTBQ youth who are interested in attending pride month/end of school year celebration taking place at Heritage State Park on June 16th at 3:00pm – 5:00pm.

Jac Essing49:45
@Linda and McKenzie, Enlace de Familias also has offered groups and family support for grandparents caring for grandchildren.
Jac Essing, she/they, House of Colors via Enlace de Familias, Enlace is hiring for a front desk receptionist. House of Colors is having a Celebration Event for LGBTQ+ youth and allies on June 16, 3-5 PM at Heritage State Park - cupcakes, photobooth, crafts, and care packages! Please invite young folks to the event

James Maloney: Hope for Holyoke
Peer resource specialist. Highway to hope program operating out of the center presently. It’s a new initiative working with the healing community and is doing really well. Program brings people to detox from Holyoke agencies seeking assistance. Participants must have connection to Holyoke. Open Saturdays, 10-1pm. He will post calendar in chat.

Jazmin Serrano: PTOC
No update.
Jazmin Serrano Case Coordinator at PPOc at Boston Childrens Western Ma

Jen Sordi: HCSD
No update.

Jennifer Kinsman: United Way
Chicopee Cubbard, food pantry located at 32 Center St. in Chicopee, is open to anyone in the Pioneer Valley Tuesdays and Thursdays 11am-1pm. Expanded their hours on Wednesday 4pm – 6pm. Encouraged to post events to the community calendar online at
Jennifer Kinsman59:20
United Way of Pioneer Valley You can go here to post on our Community Calendar. Don't forget to refer people to our Chicopee Cupboard, open T and Th 11-1, Wed 4-6 at 32 Center St, Chicopee.

Johanas Vega: ROCA
SNAP outreach coordinantor based out of Holyoke and will assist clients in Springfield who need help applying for food stamps. Also helping community members who need help applying for MassHealth and cash benefits. Offer assistance both in-person and virtually.

John McCarthy:
Community relations officer. In May, Haiti’s TPS was continued by the secretary. Waiting on notice for particulars of TPS. Anyone interested in conducting community outreach providing information about the TPS can contact, as well as any citizenship programs or groups that are interested in applying for naturalization and would like to link in virtually and have either a presentation or Q&A period. Citizenship grant funding opportunity proposals are due by July 16th. USCIS Community Relations officer District N11 Boston

Karen Legace: US Attorney’s Office
Project Safe Childhood Program Specialist. Keeping Kids Safe and Secure Online event next Wednesday, June 16th at 6:30pm. Topics covered at event include cyber bulling, sexting, sextortion, how to protect kids against online predators while on social media and gaming, and victim support. Subject matter experts will be attending from US and Hampden County DA’s office, FBI, Westfield PD. Hello everyone! I just posted a flyer for an upcoming event - Keeping Kids Safe and Secure Online for Parents. This presentation is for all adults that wish to learn how to keep kids safe online! Please share far and wide and I hipe you can attend! Thank you! Karen Legace, Project Safe Childhood Program Specialist, United States Attorney's Office karen.legace!

Kaydance Scotto: Americore
Program partners with schools and community resource centers and match individuals to provide support to young folks. 10-month, full-time program that offers opportunities for leadership and professional development and community service. If your agency wants to host an Americore member or know someone interested in the program, feel free to reach out.

Keith Peters:

Kelsey Clary: Caring Health Center
Navigator program that helps to enroll folks in Masshealth and SNAP. Also provides medical, dental and behavioral health services. Program is back full-time and is interested in attending outreach events in the Holyoke/Springfield/Chicopee area to provide vaccine education and promote the services that they can offer and help folks gain access to health insurance and health services.

Kenneth Downs:

Laura Soder
Linda Manning: GSSSI
Options counselor at GSSSI, the agent service access point for 12 cities and towns in the greater Springfield area. They offer high quality and affordable medical and social supports for older adults and younger individuals with disabilities. Referrals can be made online or by contacting Linda Manning.

Lucy Friedman Bell: MA Safe routes to school
Work to support safe biking and walking to school amongst elementary and middle school students in Holyoke. Starting conversations about safe routes to school since covid 19 and moving forward with planning efforts.

Luis Arzola:
Recording a podcast for the community and is open to showcasing any organizations or agencies.
Luis ArzolaCareer CoachingDiversion, Shelter & HousingCenter for Human Development

Megan Gross: UMASS
Bilingual Language Development Lab at UMASS Amherst. Lab focuses on conducting research and educational activities that support families raising bilingual children, including those with communication disorders. They can provide a presentation about language development, which can be given in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Also offer career outreach for youth that might be interested in becoming a speech/language pathologist or ideologist. Megan Gross, Bilingual Language Development Lab,,

Michelle Harty: OTP
New program director. Located at 235 Maple St. OTP is part of BHN and the city clinic. Accept walk-in admission for clients looking for MAT on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for 6:00am to 8:00am.

Nasir Islam: ROCA
Youth Worker/Outreach Coordinator with ROCA. ROCA targets the highest risk young men in Springfield and Holyoke ages 16-24 and aims to disrupt the cycle of incarceration. Targets men who are not ready, willing, or able to participate in something different. Works with those who have been arrested, involved in the criminal justice system, actively involved in gangs, dropped out of school, without employment history. They have an interventional model involving relentless outreach Monday through Friday. Have transformational relationship with partipants. Stage-based programming. They also communicate with engaged institutions for those participants who are involved in probation or parole in order to help them move forward.

Nayroby Rosa Soriano: One Holyoke
Community engagement director. Current priority is to get the folks in Holyoke vaccinated. Part of the vaccine coalition and are operating a few Moderna vaccine clinics, the next one being on 6/23 at the Flats Community Building. Offer incentives such as giving gift cards and raffle tickets for a $100 gift certificate to those who bring a friend. Looking for folks and organizations who would like to participate in a clean up campaign. Organization will pick a street in Holyoke and get some of these streets cleaned up. Google link is located on their Facebook page. Supplies (shovels, rakes, trash bags, etc.) will be provided. Taking place throughout summer until September. Hosting a 5K Covid freedom walk or roll. Starting at Main St. and will end at the Holyoke Brewery. Fundraising event in which part of the funds will go to Homework House to provide for their afterschool and summer programs. Doing dialogue circles with the elderly for those folks who are interested in civic engagement and learning about how to facilitate dialogue circles with everyday democracy ciriculum. First meeting will be held at the Veterans Park Apartments. Anyone who is interested in these events can feel free to reach out and sign up.

Sandy Ward: Friends of Holyoke Public Library / Funeral Consumers Alliance of Western Mass
Volunteer with the funeral consumer alliance. Can provide assistance to anyone who has questions about death care as well as your rights and options within MA.
Sandy Ward, volunteer with the Funeral Consumers Alliance of Western Massachusetts, a nonprofit providing information about rights and options for final arrangements. See Price Comparison chart on our website: (We survey 85 funeral homes in 4 counties.)Email us or leave message for us at 413-376-4747.

Sean Garvey: HCSD
Holyoke community police center at 208 Race St, Suite 121 2nd floor. Staff includes Holyoke community police officer, two narcotics intervention officers, three BHN recovery coaches. Open to visitors.
sean Garvey- hampden county sheriff dept. Holyoke community police center. 208 Race Street suite 201

Sean Hudkins: Timothy Hill Childrens Ranch
Timothy Hill Childrens Ranch is main facility. Tranformation through love with residential boys and girls. Transitional men 17.5 -25 retreat center and Timothy Hill Christian Camp located in Huntington, MA. Getting ready for busy season in summer. Facilitation and programming for 3 weeks in July. 13-18 year olds for two weeks and then 8-12 for the final week in July. Found a collaborative partner in Angel Tree.Will provide full funding to any children within the age range whose parents are currently or were previously incarcerated to attend summer camp.

Chief McBride:
Nothing to report.

Shannon Sarksiain: HCC
Community outreach and admissions counselor at HCC. Will be open to the public starting July 7th. Anyone who is coming to campus for in-person services should call ahead to confirm that the services that they are looking for are available in-person. Free STEM starter academy for the Summer Session 2 semester starting July 12th for anyone with a high school credential interested in pursuing a degree in STEM. The four credit class and text books will be paid for and there will be an opportunity to apply for additional scholarships in the fall towards a STEM degree. Anyone with questions can feel free to reach out.

Rondey Allen: Crosspoint Clinical Services
Executive director. Specialize in Christian faith-based mental health services. Aim to help people heal their mind, body, and soul. Reach out to broad faith community and promote faith as a strength for their healing process. Staff consists of professional, licensed clinicians with excellent clinical skills beyond the scope of faith.
Speaker who is the author of Art of Intimate Marriage, clinical professor, award-winning researcher from San Diego doing two events. On June 25th from 10:00am – 3:00pm, she will be doing a CEU training for people who counsel couples. She will talk about how to counsel couples in regards to their marital intimacy. On June 25th 7:00pm – 9:00pm and June 26th 10:00am – 12:00pm and 1:00pm – 3:00pm, she will be doing a marital enrichment event offering great guidance on how to be connected and validate your partner. In addition, she will talk about how to deal with challenges that can come up with intimacy, such as trauma.

Vanessa Martinez: Women of Color Health Equity Collective
Team member of the local nonprofit and research chair for Mama’s VOICE. Offer trainings from cultural humility to antiracist work. Provide free therapeutic services including peer support groups and affinity groups with BIPOC and white people. Mama’s VOICE will be hosting community connection events starting to partner with organizations and work with you to bring in community members who are women of color from Holyoke, Springfield and the rest of the Pioneer Valley. Reach out via email or go to the website for more information. The Women of Color Health Equity Collective, formerly known as MotherWoman, Inc changed our name as a direct result of what we were seeing as needs in our communities. With the pandemic and the continued police killing of unarmed black and brown communities, we felt a need to expand our mission and promote the resilience and empowerment of Women of Color through advancing health and wellness by building community-capacity, and advocating for just policies through evidence-based research and grassroots organizing. We do trainings and consulting work, offer free therapeutic support for women of color, and so much more. Mama’s VOICE, with VOICE standing for Voicing our Individual Cultural Experiences, is a project that aims to learn more about how mothers of color from Springfield and Holyoke experience motherhood. We want to partner with you to get community members to talk with us. Here is my contact info -- and website -

Jefrrey Hayden:
Social justice camp for children 8-11 years of age called “I Am Somebody” taking place the week of 7/19. There are 15 seats available and anyone who signs up will be puton a registration list from which participants will be chosen at random.

Yaixsa Vargas -Project Soar Mentor form River Valley Counseling

Vivian Rodriguez: Holyoke Housing Authority
Oversees the Family Self-Sufficiency and Home Ownership programs for those families with Section 8 vouchers. They are now open to the public and you can reach out via email or phone.

Amanda Hichborn: River Valley Counseling Center
Supervisor for our A-CRA program which is a substance use program for ages 12-24. We are also excited to announce that we just opened a new clinic in Westfield for therapy services.

Yvonne Lomax OA Manager Westover JCC Lomax.Yvonne @jobcorps. Org

Outreach and admissions manager at Westover Job Core. Next virtual enrollment taking place June 22nd. Once the young people finish their 6 weeks of virtual enrollment, they will be coming on center and quarantining. Offer virtual orientations and interviews for those who are interested. Feel free to reach out for any information or community service.

Walter Rice: Westover JCC
Business community liason and work-based learning specialist. Any young person age 16-24 can be referred to the program via google form. Partnering with Shoot Hoops Virtual Basketball Experience launching on June 15th.

Eric White - Outreach and Admissions Counselor - Westover JCC -
Bro.Kenneth B.Downes, "The WAKE UP MOVEMENT ",Mason Square C3","MISSION Inc "
Jodi Wynglarz
Jodi Wynglarz, Account Manager Medminder Pharmacy here in Western MA. We offer free medical alert system, free delivery of medications in all forms, a lifesaving smart pill dispenser that has brought medication management adherence from 50%-95% at no cost to members of all ages, just their rx copay! Please call me anytime if I can help. 781-708-4483

Erin Godfrey
Erin Godfrey Director for Odyssey House Clubhouse in Holyoke Ma On Appleton St (

Cynthia Espinosa
Grant opportunity from the City:
if you would like to share ideas/comments for healthy eating related policy, environmental or systems change in the city of holyoke, please reach out!, or phone 413-322-565

Ami Jackson
For FREE and/or $50 internet credit for XFINITY/Comcast the application is through

Old Business / New Business
Next Meeting is Thursday, July 8, 2021 (ZOOM)

Close Meeting 2:30pm
Contact Information:
Edward Caisse
Hampden County Sheriff’s Department
(413) 858-0225
Friend Request us on Facebook @ Shsni Holyoke

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